Four Pillars
Create a STEM Culture
Create a STEM Culture by using a systematic approach to enable community engagement, experiential learning, place-based education and by building capacity in our leaders, teachers, and learners to create solutions to real-world situations.
Empower STEM Teachers
Empower STEM Teachers by creating opportunities for professional development, capacity building and support, and by connecting teachers with community partnerships that enable a diverse array of STEM-related engagement.
Integrate Business and Education
Integrate Business and Education by bringing leaders together, establishing a common language, co-designing multidisciplinary real-world projects, and by providing authentic learning opportunities to help train a robust and diverse STEM literate workforce.
Ensure High-Quality STEM Experiences
Ensure High-Quality STEM Experiences that focus on real-world situations, immerses students in place-based, hands-on, experiential open-ended exploration, engages students in productive teamwork and integrates rigorous math and science content where failure is seen as a necessary part of the learning process.